Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bengaluru Diaries ... a day at a time

(This blog article is from a set of mails that I sent to my gang. This is the fourth of the post dated 1 Aug '08)

Picture this - its early in the morning, about 6:30 or 7:00 am. You are looking out into the morning sun as he too breaks his sleep, stretching out his rays one at a time. A light breeze has wrapped you within itself. You can hear the sweet gurgling sound of water in the stream. You feel calm. Composed. Still drowsy. The breeze gets stronger, you shiver a bit but its enjoyable, especially with the hot tea that you are sipping peacefully. Aah, the sweet melodies of the stream water ... the sweet smell of the wet earth! The breeze is getting stronger and stronger now. Maybe you need to brace yourself. What's this? The sound of the river has ... gone. Vanished! And what's that strange sound? Clang! Clang! What is happening? More sounds ... humans? Animals? There's that clanging again! And then suddenly, the sun goes out ...

Before you scratch your head, lets give you the real deal:
- It is 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning. The only reason you are up at such an hour is so that you can take a warm water bath before the power cut comes along, which can come at anytime "between 6:00 to 10:00am for public convenience"
- You are sipping a cup of tea. How peacefully you sip it depends on how well did you make it.
- You are standing in the balcony of your first floor apartment block which is so well packed on all sides by other buildings that it is always very calm.
- It is cold at such a time in the morning here in Bengaluru. So cold that the hair oil has become a hair gel. Light breeze my ass!
- Wet earth is the nice little muddy path in front of the building. Yes, muddy which is originally sandy. Then, with the extremely large amounts of washing water thrown out by ladies in the nearby places and overnight rainfall (sometimes) it becomes ... muddy.
- There is a drainage pipe that runs on the side of your building it happens to pass along side the balcony. So anytime, anyone in the entire building flushes his *cough* toilet *cough* you can hear the sweet sound of the water gurgling ...
- There are a lot of bhajiwallas that brave the muddy streets everyday morning. Animals? Read as 'dogs'
- Someone in the nearby vicinity performs puja in the morning. During the same he bangs plates together. Yes, he takes two steel plates and bangs them together ... repeatedly!
- Finally our rising sun. It is the toilet light of the first floor apartment across the wet earth path. No wonder the sun goes out many times in the morning ... ;)

A day at a time. A single day at a time. And every day begins like ... this ... :)

This past Sunday I was up pretty early. Nothing else to do (bleh!) I figured lemme play me guitar for a while. Upon hearing the amazing sounds of my six stringed beauty I was joined by Nosey Kid Junior (the Nosey Kid's little sister) who walked up to me straight and yelled, "I play the keyboard!". Great! Why don't we start a band! No problem with songs; your bro asks enough strange questions, we can make those into lyrics. "My brother wants to learn the guitar too. He is learning it in our school music class. I study in blah blah school ... " If he bro learns the guitar he will become the lead guitarist and the lead singer in the band. Nooooo! Where will I go then? Woe is me! Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!


She even took time to harass my guitar by showing me what the instructor teaches them and how he teaches all what he does. If I ever meet the guy I'll do a sashtang namaskaar to him; I have never known a harsher, louder and unclearer way to play. Maybe someday, sooner or later, I could show you guys the stuff that the teacher supposedly teaches them. Then as swiftly as she had come she left. "Mummy bula rahi hain" Either I am deaf or there was some telepathy involved. Not that I was complaining ... she left ... peace.

By the way, Nosey Kid Senior still lands up once a week, sometimes twice, for either his uniform's tie or shoe laces ...

I watched Batman The Dark Knight this past Sunday afternoon. It is according to me the perfect movie! Heath Ledger's Joker is the best villian ever! I might even watch it a second time and am sure as hell buying the DVD.

Few days back, I picked up a book titled Shantaram, by G. D. Roberts. You know what, maybe I finally found a kind of book that I really really wanted to read. Highly recommended. The perfect blend of philosophy and biography. Tis brilliant!

I'll be back with some great quotations from the book soon ... till then adios amigos!

- Big Foot in Bengaluru

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